Hotel Services Announcement

Important Announcement for all Executive Housekeepers, Maintenance Managers, Head Chefs and General Managers. Our portfolio of services that we provide includes:- Front of House Cleaning Back of House Cleaning Night Cleaning Kitchen Deep Cleans Kitchen Stewarding Internal and External Window Cleaning including Specialist Cleaning and Hard To Reach Areas Marble, Granite and Floor Renovation Carpet…

First Impressions Count

As the weather inevitable worsens in the winter months and snow is forecast for the end of the week, we turn our attention to the risk of dirt, slush and snow being walked into buildings. Up to 90% of the soiling entering a building is ‘walked in’ through the front door which can result in…

10% Discount

Customers are often surprised when they look at the range of cleaning services that we specialise in, the specialist equipment that we use and our investment in staff training and site visits that Unique Support Services offer competitive charge rates and that we can often save them money. How do we do this I hear you ask?…