Hiring Staff

Impact Of COVID And Brexit When Recruiting For The Cleaning Sector

With the worst of COVID-19 hopefully behind us, international travel soon to resume and furlough coming to an end in the coming months, employers particularly those within the hospitality and cleaning sectors are hiring again but the impact of COVID and Brexit is starting to be felt and is now a new challenge to be…

Office Workers

Safe Return To The Workplace

PM Boris Johnson has recommended a gradual return to work from Monday 19th July when the work from home order is lifted and it is hopeful that this will mean the future for companies that have struggled during lockdown will be brighter and city centres will see an increase in foot flow with many office…


Cleaning Can Encourage Customers Back After COVID-19

With the PM giving the green light on Monday for the remaining COVID restrictions to be lifted from the 19th July, we know that many people are still worried or cautious about returning to the office or to busy places such as shopping malls and hospitality venues. Enhanced cleaning can encourage your staff and customers…