Tired of lockdown, business stuck in limbo, it doesn’t matter who you are, everyone in the UK is waiting for the PM’s plan to exit lockdown but the one thing we are all in agreement with is that cleaning and hygiene will need to continue to be a top priority for all.
Business premises that have remained open throughout have not only changed their cleaning regime but increased the frequency and specification of cleaning too and those expected to re-open after lockdown will need to do the same. We have also seen a number of our clients particularly in the retail and hospitality sectors continue to have regular cleaning undertaken even though they are currently closed.
All USS staff are fully trained on hand hygiene, personal protective equipment and cleaning procedures. They know to start with the cleanest areas moving on to dirtier areas afterwards and work from high to low. They understand what is to be considered a high touch area and are familiar with working within commercial premises and all COSHH requirements are adhered to and work only carried out after a risk assessment has been undertaken.
USS staff have continued to work throughout the pandemic ensuring that key industries could keep going and we consider ourselves to be a trusted supplier of cleaning services to a wide variety of clients.
Cleaning and hygiene is crucial to defeat COVID and all other viruses, not only in the home but in the workplace too and USS offers cost effective COVID cleaning to the commercial sector. Investing in your cleaning will be an investment in the future.
To find out more about our services and how we can help you plan for a ‘cleaner’ future, call 02086694377 and speak to a member of our team who will be happy to help. Free, no obligation quotes available on request.