Cleaning Sector Focus

With some uncertainty over Brexit and the country’s economy as a whole, the focus in the cleaning sector has got to be on issues like resources, skills and costs. In addition to this, we’re also faced with other challenges like reducing our impact on the environment, advances in cleaning technologies and demand for higher cleaning…


Going Underground

Dangerous superbugs have been discovered on the underground network resulting in deep cleans being scheduled every night for the rest of the summer. Researchers at the London Metropolitan University found over 100 different types of bacteria and mould on London’s public transport system including 8 of the most threatening bacteria to human health and it’s…

Commercial Kitchen

Getting To Grips With Kitchen Grime

Summer is upon us, school holidays are about to start and hotels are preparing for their busiest time of the year which ultimate means more deep cleans either whilst the schools, colleges and universities are closed before the start of the new term or additional cleaning in the hotel kitchen’s to keep on top of FSA…