Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation & Restriction of Chemicals = The REACH Regulation. Set to have a significant impact on the cleaning industry but almost every business will have new responsibilities whether you manufacture, supply or simply just use cleaning chemicals in the workplace. It certainly brings about fundamental change and is a business critical issue in…

Industry Excellence Awards

Industry Excellence in Professonal Cleaning is going to be recognised for the first time with the launch of the European Cleaning and Hygiene Awards 2016 and you can nominate now. The professional cleaning sector employs millions of people and plays a vital role in health, wellbeing, image and perception. Submissions are welcome from contractors, distributors,…

Diner’s – It’s More than Just About The Food

As a cleaning company with a multitude of contracts at hotels and restaurants in Central London, a recent article about dining out caught out attention and reconfirmed what we already know, it’s not just about the food and the service, it’s about cleanliness and hygiene too. We’re a captive audience when out for dinner and waiting…

Would You Believe It………

Every year bizarre items are left behind by guests at hotels for the housekeeping and cleaning staff to find, here are some of our personal favourites from the list published for the past year:- A Shetland Pony Called Pudding Swarovski Encrusted 5 Foot High Wedding Cake A Prenuptial Agreement A House Made Out of Bread False…