We’re Recruiting

Job Summary Experienced Window Cleaner required to start ASAP based in Central London.You will be required to work Monday – Friday and be responsible for cleaning the internal and external windows of a luxury hotel. Previous experience is essential. £75.00 per day with flexibility to work extra hours or at weekends if required. Responsibilities and…

Floor Cleaning

Floor Cleaning & Refurbishment Guides

Ensuring the longevity and beauty of expensive floor coverings and materials makes an instant impression on your customers, when they are pristinely cleaned and cared for it achieves the great impression you hope for.  Leave it to get stained, chipped or worn and it says something else entirely. New guides to simplify the method of…

Recognition Needed For Washroom Cleaners

2017 saw the introduction of the Unique Washroom Cleaner Of The Year Award dedicated to cleaning operatives but this award was aimed at cleaners responsible for the facilities rather than the cleanliness of the washrooms themselves. It’s suggested that this year an award be dedicated to operatives that are responsible for the actual washrooms whether…


A Dusting Down

  Dust can impact on our health and yet often amid our daily routines we can lose sight of the importance of cleaning. Dust often accumulates on high-level surfaces and inaccessible areas and the cost and disruption that is associated with working at height specialists, equipment hire and access equipment means that many businesses allow…